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Elections in 2025

A call for nominations will be published in November 2024 in the issue of E+T magazine.

The nomination form is also available as a fillable PDF file.

Nominations for an elected position are open until 9 January 2025.

Members with questions about elections should contact us at:

Appointed positions

Members wishing to apply for appointment to the Council or Committees should email the Chief Executive and Secretary via, giving their membership number by 3 April 2025.

Candidates who express interest in an appointment will be asked to complete a form giving details of their skills and experience in preparation for the selection process.

Election of Trustees and Council Members

Each year the Board of Trustees nominates candidates for election as Trustees and members of Council. Members may also nominate further candidates.

The IET welcomes nominations for all positions and it particularly welcomes applications from candidates that reflect its global and diverse membership, including candidates with disabilities, as they are currently under-represented in the governance of the IET.

Membership of the Board of Trustees is limited to Members, Fellows and Honorary Fellows, who should be registered members or similarly qualified. The office of Vice President is limited to Fellows and Honorary Fellows. At least one candidate for election as Vice President must be a current or past Trustee, or a current member of Council, or have been a member of Council or a Main Board in the previous three years.

All candidates for election as Ordinary Members of the Board of Trustees must have been a Trustee, or a member of Council or a Main Board in the previous three years. Candidates can be proposed and supported by Members, Fellows and Honorary Fellows.

Membership of Council is open to all categories of IET member including Students and Associates. Candidates can be proposed and supported by all IET members.

The Board of Trustees nominates candidates for election as Trustees because this is required by Bye-law 69. Members who wish to be considered as candidates for nomination in this way should study the specification for Trustees and Board Members and write to the Chief Executive and Secretary with details of their qualifications.


The candidates proposed by the Board of Trustees to fill the vacancies for Vice-President, and Ordinary Member of the Board of Trustees are published in Engineering and Technology (E+T) or Member News magazine. Subject to the conditions laid down in Bye-law 69(b), members may nominate other qualified persons to fill the vacancies. The requisite qualifications and procedures are set out in Bye-laws 69-75.

Members are also invited to nominate candidates to fill the vacancies for members of Council and the Communities Resourcing Committee.

There are six vacancies for Council and one for the Communities Resourcing Committee annually. Membership of Council and the Committee is open to all categories of IET membership. Nominations must otherwise follow the conditions of Bye-law 69(b)

Candidate statements:


The Board of Trustees has agreed on a statement of the skills, knowledge and personal characteristics required of Trustees and Board members.


A full list of candidates for election, with biographical details and ballot papers, is provided to all members entitled to vote.  The Board of Trustees wishes it to be known that it welcomes the exercise of the right to nominate candidates, but strongly deprecates organised canvassing for candidates by means of circulars or otherwise.  Such canvassing is prohibited by the Rules of Conduct.